Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm too old for this...

So Friday I got up with Mark (6:45am) and got busy unpacking, washing clothes, arranging more of my stuff and what not.  I realized this unpacking setting up house thing is getting a bit old.  You see not only did I do the college thing...but then I moved so many times even I am starting to loose count.  (Lets see from college back to the rents, then to Fulton, IL, then Willowbrook, then Tinley a different less sketchy place in Tinley Park, back to Willowbrook, then back to the rents and now finally England).  All of that in a 9 year time span....ridiculous!  I am just to old for this!  I enjoy the first part...unpacking my stuff cause it is mine...but when you get down to that nitty gritty I have no idea what to do with this stuff point it is no longer fun!  Which is the point I am at right about I write instead lol...

Another I am too old for this moment happened this weekend.  We went out with one of Mark's coworkers and his girlfriend on Saturday night.  It was just suppose to be a Mexican restaurant! yeah!!! and then out for a few drinks.  Well we got in at 2:30am...again...I am too old for this.  Super fun time...I just like my sleep lol.  Sunday was sleeping know until noon.  Had the best intentions of getting up early but I guess both of us slept through alarms set.  Oops.  The big success of Sunday was my first cooked alone meal.  I made my dad's mushroom chicken which was a HUGE success.  Mark's comment was, "I thought you said you couldn't cook?!  This is really good!"  I was as happy as a clam!

Today I went back to the gym to work off some of the food I ate on our honeymoon....again I am too old for this!  lol  Spent the whole day trying to get more stuff put away...made caesar salad for dinner as well...another success.  Who knew...
Well here is to hoping tomorrow's dinner goes well too...I don't know if I can be 3 for 3.

Oh...and one last thing.
On a sad note... one of my mom's teacher friends, Pat Hamilton, died today.  She had been battling cancer and lost.  She has a bunch of kids, one being a very friendly and sweet mentally handicapped son, Jeff, who works at the Dominick's by my house.  Would you please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.  She was such a wonderful woman and a dear friend of my mom.  Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE following your blog... I have read it all:) I am so sorry about Jeff's MOM! My mom is very connected with Jeff and his family at her church. She runs a program with the disabled adults there. Such a rough time!
